Tuesday 6 November 2012

Friendship [Sept.09]

i've written quite a few blogs which thank my wonderful friends, but i don't think you can thank your friends enough, at least not when they're as fabulous as mine! :)

Right now, i'm ill with the dreaded piggy flu, and i feel like death. This week is also the week i moved house (again!) and my friends helped me with that, carrying boxes, lugging furniture, driving the lorry... Being in a new flat which is my first unfurnished rental since leaving my husband, has meant that there are things i am without – like a kettle and a clothes dryer. And being ill means i haven't the energy to get those things myself. Fungirl went to Argos and got me those things so that i could have some clean clothes and a hot drink to soothe my throat. Being in a new flat and ill meant that i hadn't had the energy to go shopping and fill the fridge. Dances with Pussycats came and brought me soup and medicine and some other food. And Wabar came today on his way elsewhere to bring me the most delicious Chinese takeaway. MC went to the hospital pharmacy to get me tamiflu and moved the boxes around so my TV could at least be connected to my DVD player and i could watch movies. And so many more friends have sent get well wishes.

Sometimes stuff happens that makes the relationships with your friends seem a little strained or weird. But sometimes stuff happens that reminds you that the thing that matters is the friendship at the core, and the rest is just fluff around the edges. i'm going to be focusing on the friendship at the core.

They are all having fun today, and i'm not there with them, which i hate because i hate missing out. But when i'm well again, everyone will be here, laughing, joking, tying each other up and generally enjoying ourselves. I love my friends, every single one of them. Thank you, my lovelies.

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