Monday 5 November 2012

Oh, What a Night! [Feb 09]

Well, i can't sleep, i'm still too wired... although i came home to sleep, as all the guests had gone and i wasn't needed to sleep over, and its cold.  Mike was right, it is cold at the Studio later at night... even though the 20 red blankets diligently bought at Ikea earlier in the week were lovely and comforting...  (By the way, it seems we're down to 19.... whichever lovely lady possibly snuck off with one - you owe me £2.53!  Although i will do a recount when i resurface tomorrow...).

It was a lovely evening, and i want to thank all our guests... i'll do it on the boards tomorrow too, when i've properly assessed the night....

i learnt a few lessons....

i need to get a money box for the takings at the door....  my little purse isn't really big enough!  Especially as next time, if word on the street is anything to go by, we'll be even bigger...

i need a donation box at the entrance...  and a reminder of our deserved charitable causes...

i need to find out in advance when the wonderful pampering ladies need to leave... so that our guests can know too and plan their evening's accordingly... and so the wonderful pampering ladies can make more money!

it's cold by the door for 3 hours... well, actually, we gave up after 2 hours, and then just kept running down the stairs when the phone rang... we might do more of that next time...

lots of people actually liked and appreciated the gimmicky magnet...  :-D  that made me happy!  vistaprint really is a very wonderful, cheap company and has my recommendation!!

next time, we need more sweets...

before April, i shall be canvassing opinion... some ideas were to have girlie chick flicks from yesteryear on the TV where the porn usually goes... a real throwback to when we were teenagers with pillow fights!!  maybe...  or more pampering, such as manicures, facials  (ooh, i know a scene facialist...(is that the word?))...

It was a lovely, chilled night, and whilst i'm a regular at various Studio events, the vibe and the atmosphere was totally transformed by the lack of testosterone, and lots of beautiful, delicious women... mmmm....

Tipping the Velvet has arrived!  :-D

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