Tuesday 6 November 2012

MichaelCane [May 2009]

does not know how to cook a cake. Well, not when no cake tin or blender is to hand anyhow... He does, however, make a truly excellent chocolate fudge brownie (the 'rebranded' cake), and he does know how to throw a party and make a girl cry! :)

It was my birthday yesterday, and i awoke to the giggling renditions of 'Happy Birthday', what was passing as a cake (and smelled delicious!), complete with candles for blowing out. Thankfully, not 36, as i might not have managed to blow all of them out, and then my wish wouldn't come true...

Breakfast of croissant and orange juice, followed by cake... A picture will shortly be posted on my profile and you will see why we all agreed on the re-branding... i think i hurt his feelings by not actually feeling like cake but i did have a sore head from the most brilliant evening before at Volupte where i bought the gorgeous singer drinks and my date left with her number! (But, well, if you know my date, you wouldn't blame the singer either!) ;) So... yes, sore head, didn't feel like cake... But the most excellent start to the day...

In the shower, door bell... It's xxxxx, he's an hour early! No! i'm not ready, i need to be ready... rush, rush, rush... Instead of the gorgeous dominant who would be taking me to lunch and giving me a birthday beating, the most amazing bunch of roses greeted me... And, sprayed with black paint! These flowers are so wonderful, beautiful, amazing... Again a picture will be shortly posted, but the pictures simply can't do justice to just how amazing these flowers are, and my vocabulary is just not quite extensive enough...

Then, Michael did as requested and made himself scarce for the day... He claims he just sat in his car and wondered when it would be safe to return, but i'm not buying it... He took his whips with him, so he was probably off somewhere in a park scaring the locals... Needless to say, whilst he was banned from the flat, i had a fabulous time and am still quite ouchy today... (For those following my attempts to mark, there seems to be one particular place that works....) :-D

Michael returned, we were going to get pizza, i was falling asleep and generally spacing out a
nd the door bell goes... Friends start arriving, my bestest, closest friends, helium balloons (ohmygod, one is of a rose too!), giant cookies and smiles... i can simply say i have never felt so special, so cared for by my friends, so not alone. No-one had ever baked me a cake for my birthday before, and no-one had ever thrown me a surprise party! This is a huge, big thank you to my lovely flatmate - simply thank you!

(i've never been a table before either... messy on the morroccan rug but a great deal of fun! Not sure about posting those pics though!) ;)

And i decided to write this thank you because today with my actual family, so different. my friends, you are my family and i love every one of you.


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